Wednesday, November 25, 2009


It is too cold to paint outside. I will do some still life during winter. This is a start. Doing drawings also brings me the sweet memories of my childhood. I learned to draw when I was a teenager.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bailey Arboretum--The Trail In Late Autumn

Oil on Canvas Board 16"x12"

Monday, November 16, 2009

Planting Fields Arboretum--Late Autumn

Oil on Linen Panel 14"x11"

It is amazing that after the remnants of tropical storm Ida, there are still trees with colorful leaves. This little house is called the laundry house.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Old Westbury Garden--The Bridge to the Temple of Love

Oil on Paper 11"x14"
This painting was done on Oct. 30th. I just found out the bridge's name--East Lake Bridge

Caumsett state park

Oil on Canvas 11"x14"
This painting was finished on Oct. 25th. I did some final touch before post it. The water in the mid-ground is a lake. It is not connected with the sea in the back. The lake is shaped like a heart.

An Autum Afternoon

Oil on Canvas 14"x11"
These trees are in my backyard. This is a "plein air" painting I finished today behind my glass door.